Over the work period of March 12 – March 26, 2022:
From the last instructor meeting with the team’s advisor, Dr. Wang, the team learned that the previous validation plan would not be an accurate representation of what the MMM will see in use. As such, the team took this time to rework the entirety of the validation plan, starting from transitioning from a static test to a dynamic drop test. This will be done by recording a drop that will simulate the maximum descent rate at competition. Then the recording will be post-processed to measure the velocity. Fig. 1 displays the setup of the camera, vertical divider pole, and mock airframe that will be used within the testing.
Fig. 1 post-processing video
The team took this time to meet multiple times with TXRX Labs, a non-profit that houses a woodshop, machine shop, 3D printing lab amongst others. The team has received a quote of $900 to move forward with the machining of the two centering rings, motor retaining rings, mock airframe, mock motor casing, and the four fiberglass fins. Members of the team also met at TXRX Labs to assist in the machining process of the fins, as well as help with the 3D printing of the airframe. Fig. 2 displays a small prototype for the mock airframe machined at TXRX, and Fig. 3 shows the fiberglass fins being cut from the larger fiberglass sheet.
Fig. 2 and 3 Prototype of the mock airframe, cutting of fiberglass fins
Challenges and obstacles the team faced:
The team struggled in finding a machinist that would operate within our budget, as expressed within previous blog posts. This challenge extended later into the semester than initially expected, but the team was able to find TXRX Labs through speaking with the Chief Engineer, Gustavo Santana. The team’s Gantt chart allotted for delays within the project, meaning the team is still on track to successfully complete the project.
Plan for the period (March 27 – April 9):
The current plan is to complete the machining process of the team’s parts by 03/29/2022. Following that, the team will do a visual inspection of the MMM and validate that the part dimensions are correct. Subsequently, the team will then present the MMM at the Project Demo on 04/06/2022 to Dr. Wang and their cohort. With this done, the team moves forward with the testing of the device, and finally the technical report presentation.